Face your fears with the gutsy Full Moon in Aries on the 20th October 2021 (UK).
Step up to this full moon in Aries as if you’re the cowardly lion and our lunar friend is the Wizard of Oz. And in return, you might get the courage you’ve always wanted.
The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is a born leader who jumps in and thinks later. A self-starter, fiercely independent and not one to shy away from anything that scares them – these are the sort of traits you can harness throughout this full moon. Sound like you want to walk this yellow brick road towards personal power?
Good stuff, because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. So this means it has its ruby red slippers on and we’re skipping arm and arm into the start of a new lunar cycle. Think beginnings and charging forward. Just don’t be too rash or you’ll end up taking a wrong turn into a poison poppy field.
Before ploughing on, take a moment to get clear on what you really desire and where you truly want to go. It’s reflection time. What do you plan to let go of as we head into the waning phase of the moon? What are you passionate about and what pours water on your inner fire? Aries wants to know.
The energy can be intense and powerful during an Aries moon so go easy on yourself. Remember, this is the peak of the monthly moon journey. You should congratulate yourself for all that you have achieved during the ‘doing’ waxing phase. Then start to slow down, complete your projects and take time to heal in the waning phase.
Things to do:
- Face your fears. What have you been putting off because you’re too scared to do? Do it.
- Try not to be a hothead, selfish or blow your top at someone. If you have done this lately, simmer down and apologise (if needed).
- Be bold and confident. Ask for the promotion; blow your own trumpet; show off your art; smile and accept the compliment.
- Encourage your inner Aries warrior by going to a martial arts or boxing class. Be a fighter, not a quitter this month.
- Go get ‘em! Take a calculated risk that brings you closer to your dream.
- Release any outworn belief systems or paradigms that aren’t serving your highest good.
- Don’t take any sh*t. Say goodbye to anyone who suppresses or dominates you. Aries doesn’t stand for that.
- Look after your head (ruled by Aries). Put on a hair mask, get a head massage or concentrate on your breathing to clear your mind.
So what are you waiting for? Why not feel a bit more Aries?
Tell me a fear you’re going to face or a belief system you’re going to break free from. Let’s commit. I’ll start….
I’m going to stop thinking everyone does things better than me. I’m more than good enough to succeed if I believe in myself.
Your turn…