What to do for the New Moon in Libra

It’s the Super New Moon in Libra at 8.31pm on the 16th October 2020 (UK time).

As always, New Moons are about setting our intentions for the coming month. We’ve been using the energy of the waning moon to release anything we don’t need and now we’ve made room to start attracting everything we desire.

Libra is the sign of balance, justice and partnership. During the next few days, you could spend time contemplating:

  • Are any of your relationships more take than give (or vice versa).
  • How can you find balance?
  • Are you relying too much on one person?
  • Is someone relying too much on you?
  • Are you trying to do too much on your own?
  • Use this time for collaboration, calling in the experts and delegating some tasks to help you find balance in your life.
  • Have you seen anyone being taken advantage of? Could you help them?

Look for beauty

Librans also love beauty so be sure to treat yourself to some pretty clothes, visit an art gallery or pick some gorgeous flowers. Whatever beauty means to you, go after it!

Focus on relationships

Relationships are a Libra focus too. Check in with pals you haven’t seen for a while, send a loved one a compliment and maybe put off sending that snarky email to your work colleague 😉 Strive for balance and negotiation rather than bitterness and combat.

Super New Moon

Remember, this is a Super New Moon which means the moon is even closer to us (even though we can’t see it) and its energy even more potent.

Have you been feeling the energy of this New Moon? I find I am much more affected by New Moons than I am by Full Moons.

Click to DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE NEW MOON IN LIBRA WORKSHEET and harness the lunar energy of the next few days.

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