Use these 8 crystals for Christmas chill

Don’t get caught up in festive franticness, enlist these crystals for Christmas calmness. Michael Buble has come out of his cave to croon us into a swoon – and that can only mean one thing… iiiiit’s Christmas! It would be great if this meant a happy holiday bubble of constant mince pies for brunch and […]
December night sky and key witchy dates

Don’t miss any key December 2020 night sky events or witchy happenings – make sure you bookmark this web page so you can refer back to this handy list. It’s the 1st of December! How did that happen? Even though I’m completely disorganised for the Big Man’s impending arrival on the 25th, I’m pleased to […]
Simple things to do on Samhain

The pagan fire festival of Samhain is nearly upon us and, if folklore is to be believed, the barriers between this world and the next are markedly weaker. So, if you’re a spiritual schmoozer or even just a little bit other-world-curious, then this is the perfect time to connect with those in the other realm. […]
Autumn Equinox ritual: 6 things to do

Today is Autumn Equinox (also referred to as Mabon) when night and day are equal in length. It’s one of only two days of the year that the earth is in perfect balance – so, of course, the focus today should be on finding balance in your own life. And what better way to do […]