Autumn Equinox ritual: 6 things to do

Today is Autumn Equinox (also referred to as Mabon) when night and day are equal in length. It’s one of only two days of the year that the earth is in perfect balance – so, of course, the focus today should be on finding balance in your own life. And what better way to do it than by doing an Autumn Equinox ritual?

Autumn Equinox rituals involve nature.

What is the symbolism of Autumn Equinox?

Autumn Equinox is traditionally the time of the final harvest and celebrating the bounty that summer has brought us. Symbolically, we reap what we have sown in the previous months.

There is also a beautiful balance to be found in light and dark today. We are moving into the darker months and we are letting go of the light. The giddiness and high energy of summer are behind us as we walk towards darker winter nights and the hibernation and slow living that come with it.

Autumn Equinox heralds a powerful moment in our seasonal calendar. When changes happen in nature, they also impact us because we are all connected. We are all living, growing things here on earth. Many of the seasonal changes resonate at our soul level.

During autumn, much of nature is starting to die and this brings our own attention to what we need to let go of and release. Just like the trees shedding their leaves, we need to cast off the things that have put us out of alignment.

Things you can do today to celebrate Mabon:

  • Go a walk in nature and bask in its splendour. Look at the changing colours of the trees or forage for berries.
  • Make an autumnal altar. Decorate it with fruits, leaves, candles, wicker baskets, pine cones, nuts, berries, crystals or anything else that represents the season. Focus on red, brown, gold and orange hues.
  • Meditate. The energy is high just now and you may feel restless. If so, take time to find inner balance. Here is a lovely meditation to help prepare you for Mabon.
  • Use autumnal crystals such as tiger’s eye, clear quartz, smoky quartz, amber, moonstone, labradorite, pyrite or citrine. Set them on your alter, sleep with them, put them in your pocket or meditate with them.
  • Celebrate the abundance of food in your life. Cook with Mabon foods such as apples, bread, pumpkins, squash, nuts, pomegranates, root veggies and cider. This Autumn Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting looks like Mabon perfection to me.
  • Clear your home of unwanted things.
  • Give thanks. Write down 5 things you are grateful for.

The veil between this world and the next is also thought to be thinner at this time of the year so it is a good time to work on any spiritual development (if it’s something you are interested in).

What are you doing to celebrate Autumn Equinox?

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